Entire prototype changelog
Now that the prototype is complete, here are all the changelogs covering the entire process. I've also attached a very early build for curiosity.
Changelog summary:
0.0.0-0.0.4 basic controls (grey box)
0.0.5-0.0.17 implementing planned features
0.0.18-0.0.22 testing and balancing
0.0.1 (3 Nov)
- pointer in middle of screen
- R to rotate before placing
- show correct piece in blueprint
- changed path test key to P
- left click to remove object
- when object placed, villagers update pathfinding
- fixed jump not working while walking into a wall
- basic building pieces (wall and ramp)
- scroll wheel to change piece
0.0.2 (8 Nov)
- turned off the day/night cycle (always day for now)
- improved the shadow rendering
- improved object placement positioning algorithm
0.0.3 (9 Nov)
- auto save and load
- triangle walls to fill roof gaps
- window piece
- piece icons bar
0.0.4 (10 Nov)
- changed name to Mustelia
- number keys shortcuts to choose piece
- if you fall off edge you will now respawn
- textureless prototype graphics for lowest tech level
0.0.5 (13 Nov)
- pieces and level are now in colour
- the villager is now able to jump up onto low obstacles
- random bushes spawn around the level (building on a bush will destroy it)
- villager automatically gathers sticks from bushes
- building requires and uses branches (amount shown top right)
- removing a piece returns its branches
- prevented placement of blocks into ground (where they could not be removed)
- improved rotation of some piece types for more consistent placement
- Q key now toggles construction mode
- controller support
0.0.6 (15 Nov)
- small rocks are placed randomly around the level
- when you are not in build mode you can gather bushes and rocks (left click)
- blueprint is now red when too close to nature
- blueprint is now orange when there are insufficient resources
- rotate is now B on controller
- when not in build mode, use radial menu to control villager
- (hold E and use mouse, or X and left stick on controller)
- gather branches
- gather stones
0.0.7 (17 Nov)
- furniture (primitive bed, primitive woodcutting station)
- fixed a bug where villager could instantly collect everything
- trees (surrounded the village area with a forest)
- rows of pieces (TAB or PgUp/Dn or D-pad up/down to change)
- different structures now require different resources (shown just above the parts bar)
- new villager task: trees (gets logs from trees, requires woodbench)
- new villager task: sleep (goes to the bed, requires bed, sleep animation missing)
0.0.8 (19 Nov)
- gathering takes time (and can be done simultaneously by multiple villagers including the player)
- there are now multiple villagers
- improved rotation/placement of wide pieces (bed, woodbench)
- villagers will stop what they are doing and listen you interact with them
- villager communication now only possible when nearby and you are looking (roughly) at them
- fixed villagers walking all the way to a bush/stone/tree when it had already been removed
- player can now only gather if nearby and looking at (roughly) the object
- added sunrise, sunset and night sky
- villagers automatically sleep at night (limit one villager per bed)
- added campfire for villagers to huddle around if there are not enough beds
- idle villagers will wander around the village during the day
- you can hold numpad plus to fast forward time
- fixed pathfinding out past the village edge
- prevent player gathering when conditions not met
- villagers now stop at gather radius rather than going into centre of object
0.0.9 (26 Nov)
- fixed game locking up when villagers idle and no structures built
- added fps counter (top left of screen) and disabled v-sync
- time of day is now included in save game
- improved villager decision-making, they should do more different things to each other
- villagers now lie down when they're asleep and will prefer a bed if available
- watch the campfire by holding E (or X on controller) to speed up time
- player can also sleep in a bed (same controls but no need to hold) to speed up time
- added ferret model for villagers (no animations yet)
- constructing now takes time and the player can only do it from a limited distance
- new villager job: constructing (they either place blueprint houses or work on the nearest blueprint)
- villager will only keep placing new houses if there are not enough yet
- bushes, stones, trees now respawn at random place on map
0.0.10 (5 Dec)
- villagers are now each a mix of ferret and raccoon
- controller radial select has a bit more patience
- added terrain around the village clearing (and more stars)
- gathering/building effects (player/villager)
- villager task is now indicated by what's being carried
- new task: convert logs to planks at woodbench (planks not used for anything yet)
- new task: trapping (build traps and then gather them when they are triggered)
- name/description of piece selected is now shown above the parts bar
0.0.11 (9 Dec)
- added shooting stars
- added doors (automatically open and close)
- added basic main menu, loading screen, and exit dialog (esc)
- added resource stockpiles to save/load
- added plank and stone construction pieces
- increased movement speed
- fixed sleeping villager placement in bed
- improved grass colour
- added a zoomed out overview (press O to toggle)
- slow down the sleeping time speed-up
- fixed villager cutting planks forgetting to go to bed
- added a clock to HUD
- added owls
0.0.12 (11 Dec)
- owls now do damage to (and abduct) villagers
- fixed villagers behaving differently during sped-up time
- added a background image to the main menu
- improved building design controls (blueprint mode)
- added control hints
- removed control description from site and add a timelapse instead
0.0.13 (14 Dec)
- added boot splash
- doors now always open away from you
- fixed distant blueprints showing Remove but not removing
- fixed doors not highlighting correctly when open
- making no radial selection no longer clears assigned task
- crosshair in now hidden in overview, sleep and menus
- added radial menu tooltips
- added task: cooking (at oven)
- added task: eating (at table)
- added villager needs (to eat and sleep)
- made text more readable against light backgrounds
- improved ambient light level
- added walking animation
- fixed villagers changing to a task with incomplete structure
- added logs gathering effect
- made traps more distinguishable from ordinary stones
- villagers now heal damage slowly over time
0.0.14 (17 Dec)
- remove fibres resource, added skins (from traps)
- added plank and skins bed (for better quality sleep)
- slowed the smoke down a bit
- preloaded piece rows to prevent pause on first switch
- added task: upgrading (replacing primitive with better)
- improved pathfinding, especially when returning from outside the village
- fixed villagers waking up to suffer during the night
- fixed villagers not highlighting on hover
- increased repair speed
- added message to clarify that bluerints can only be cancelled in design mode
- added hints for controller
- action now describe along with progress percent
- villagers should now interfere less with what you're doing
- resting at campfire now prevents other controls
0.0.15 (18 Dec)
- added restriction to how pieces can overlap
- fixed upgrades being granted free
- villagers now build huts more collaboratively
0.016 (21 Dec)
- player actions progress now shown as icon instead of words
- villagers (including yourself) now refuse to do most tasks at night
- villagers now get cold at night and can warm by the campfire
- beds now give a better sleep and warmth with walls etc around them
- fixed error in floor/ceiling overlap check
- player is now affected by the same needs as villagers
- in-game menu now exits to main menu
- villagers are now less likely to upgrade without being asked
- save game now includes more game state (e.g. player and villager needs, owl positions)
- traps now sit correctly on sloped landscape
- added an invisible boundary (this prototype is not intended to include exploring)
- prevent building anything except traps out of village (and limited height)
0.017 (22 Dec)
- player no longer walks through tree trunks
- lowered villager initiative (you'll need to micromanage more)
- fixed player effects bar positioning incorrectly in fullscreen
- added badger and weasel (and a white weasel variant)
- added villager stats (depends on species)
- allowed player work at night again
0.0.18 (23 Dec)
- removed an issue with mouse click villager interaction
- quit dialog now mentions auto save
- villagers now get hungry more slowly
- added day counter to hud (day clicks over at 6am)
- 1 owl first night, 2 second night, ... (up to 4)
- fixed error when villagers tried to use woodbench
- increased villager prioritisation of needs over work
- different mustelid species are now different heights
- villagers now take shelter at night if wounded
- villager will shake or nod during interaction
0.0.19 (24 Dec)
- made campfire warming more consistent with other interactions
- added message to distinguish disobedience from inability
- increased stones pick up distance
- you can now look under table/bed/bench to reach floor
- slightly increased threshold required for villagers to suffer
- fixed bug where villagers would consider a night's sleep hard work
- fixed bug where building progress was shown as eating/crafting
- villagers now consider it night-time a bit earlier
- villagers are more likely to seek shelter if an owl attacks them
- added a scratch effect for the player when attacked by an owl
- improved positioning of long wall triangle when rotating
0.0.20 (25 Dec)
- raised player eye level (similar height to otter)
- fixed primitive floors not able to be upgraded
- slightly increased bush gather distance
- improved bed positioning depending on species scale
- delayed owls by one day (now first night 0, second night 1, etc)
- player is now allowed to look around when asleep
- fixed "Idle" message showing for E for some pieces
- you can now repair, upgrade and destroy from the same distance as build
- slightly reduced how high you can reach during design mode
- improved placement height of tall pieces during design mode
- improved rotation positioning of long angled pieces
- player and villagers can now sleep during the day unless not tired
- fixed villager glitching when player interacts while villager in bed
- player is no longer able to sleep in an occupied bed
- more than one villager at a time can now place traps
- don't show the tired/hungry notification so soon (and begin effects at 1.0)
- improved villager commitment to tasks
0.0.21 (26 Dec)
- slightly increased tree gather distance
- slightly increased oven use distance
- villager commitment no longer discourages them from fulfilling needs
- villagers can only sleep at night again (player can still sleep in day)
- villagers should now cook more without being asked
- villagers should now upgrade more without being asked
- added mustelid count to hud
0.0.22 (27 Dec)
- fixed villagers having two pairs of feet in bed
- increased player authority
- slightly increased villager walking speed
- slightly reduced length of villager breaks
- increased villager later-game trapping
- slightly decreased upgrading priority
- villagers now sleep only at night again
- fixed villagers gathering meat from empty ground
0.1.3-experimental (24 Jan 2021):
- reduced villager confusion caused by unreachable objects
- increased prioritision of safety over warmth
- fixed issue where injured villagers would not go to bed
- made desk much smaller
- table/oven now require free space in front of them
- desk/table/oven should now only be used from in front
- rearranged priority of use-applicability check messages
- path pieces construction time reduced
- owls no longer screech rapidly while player is sleeping
- owls now hoot when circling (screech is just for attack)
- optimised villager object finding code that was causing stutter
- added nature to save/load
- increased spacing between villager automatic huts
- villagers should now remember half-built huts on load game
- fixed being able to build in campfire
- added farming (farming bench, corn)
- villagers should get stuck under stairs less easily
0.1.4-experimental (17 Dec 2024):
- overhauled pathfinding system (more efficient and more reliable)
- added primitive torch and stone torch (wall-mounted)
- disabled Mustelids automatically placing blueprints for huts
- added work-in-progress sandbox mode (all resources start at 999, constructing is super fast, there are no owls, you can sleep at any time, and you can select villagers while in overview mode to see personality and effects)
- fixed issue where Mustelids would not get into bed because they were being too deferent too each other (smaller Mustelids will now defer to larger ones for any task where there is demand)
- fixed villagers loading in a slightly different position to where they saved
- cached shaders on load to reduce some of the stutter
- added simple brightness view (hold F2) to show approximate effectiveness (poor, moderate, high) e.g. of beds, shelter
- added short range teleport (press F3, only works in sandbox mode) to quantum tunnel through walls
0.1.5 (21 Dec 2024):
- fixed sandbox delete tool deleting everything in the players line-of-sight
- fixed upgrading not refunding the cost of the original piece
- fixed tall mustelid not fitting under doorway
- fixed owls spawning after loading a sandbox save (there should be no owls in sandbox mode)
- fixed crash caused by a mustelid trying to follow a path with no nodes in it
- added mustelid effect info during interact (hover for more information)
- added owl indicators (show direction and indicate level of danger)
- added lamp post (outdoor lighting)
- added owl-repelling ability to lights (including the campfire)
- buffed owls slightly by making them follow their target so they can't be dodged as easily by the player (take cover instead, such as behind a tree, near a light source, or in a house)
0.1.6 (29 Dec 2024):
- changed construction so blueprints are free (you pay when you start building)
- added an invisible wall around the village
- added ball you can build which child mustelids will play with
- added book to show adult mustelids are taking a break (idle)
- added Spanish language option
- replaced "Can't build here" with more specific messages
- fixed warming by campfire being blocked when hurt
- fixed mustelid gathering from across the map when instructed mid-action
0.1.7 (15 Jan 2025):
- added happiness/sadness stat
- added loading screen hints
- added a hedge around the village
- added notification for births and deaths
- added randomly generated names for mustelids
- added small bed which can only be used by children
- added automatic on/off for lamps (depending on time of day)
- added fullscreen toggle shortcut (alt + enter)
- fixed being able to finish a build with a villager inside the object
- fixed flames going crazy while player is sleeping
- reduced villagers jittering on the spot
- reduced performance impact of pathfinding
- improved consistency of obeying instructions after saying yes
- improved mustelids stuck trying to build when it can't be afforded
- increased raw meat per trap from 2 to 5
- increased oil cost of primitive torch from 0 to 1
Get Mustelia
First-person mustelid village management.
Status | In development |
Author | bobthefish |
Tags | Animals, building, First-Person, flat-shading, house-building, Low-poly, Management |
Languages | English, Spanish; Castilian, Spanish; Latin America |
More posts
- Ball and book55 days ago
- Owls and lights63 days ago
- Prototype completed!Dec 30, 2020
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