Owls and lights

When you talk to a mustelid, they can tell you how they are feeling (hover over the status icons below their instructions wheel.

There are now three different light sources:

These are not purely decorative! These, as well as the campfire, will protect you (and the other mustelids) from owl attacks. Owls can also be blocked by physical barriers such as walls and trees. However they are more dangerous when you are unprotected, as you can't just dodge out of the way.

When owls are nearby (but offscreen), you will see these markers around the edge of your screen:

This owl is nearby but is not an immediate threat.

This owl can see you, you should seek protection.

This owl is currently attacking you (or one of you cherished friends).

For more information about this latest release (0.1.5) see the main page.

To see what might be coming soon, keep an eye on the Mustelia development roadmap.

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Mustelia-0.1.5.zip 36 MB
Dec 21, 2024

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